Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/119

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the succeeding steward, or to the Vice, Warden, all such proceedings aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to deliver over to the said Vice- Warden, or such succeeding steward, as the said Vice-Warden shall by such his order direct, all such records, entries, proclamations and papers as shall be in their custody, possession or power respectively as aforesaid, that then and in Such steward or executor or adminsistrator refusing to forfeit fifty pounds. such case every such steward and the executor or administrator of every steward so neglecting or refusing, shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds, to be recovered by bill, plaint or information, in any of the stannary-courts; the one half to the King, or Lord Duke of Cornwall, and the other half to the person who will sue for the same. And to the end that, such records, entries, proclamations and papers so to be delivered to the said Vice- Warden for the time being, may be safely preserved and kept; A proper room to be provided for the preservation of them Be it a proper room hereby further declared and enacted, that a proper room or place be provided and set apart in one or more of the stannary towns within the county of Cornwall, or in some other fit and convenient place or room within the said stannaries, for the better preserving and keeping such records, entries, proclamations, and papers, as and in such manner as the Lord- Warden for the time being, shall by order, or otherwise, to his Vice- Warden, direct or appoint. Any person interested to take copies or inspect, paying the usual fee. And it is hereby further ordered and enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for any suitor or person interested or affected thereby, at all seasonable times, to have recourse to inspect and take copies of all or any such records, entries, proclamations and papers, paying the usual and accustomed fee for so doing.

17. Item.