Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/132

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( 126) FEIS OP COURT. «. For entering a verdict For jury fees, to each of them ...... For taxes, and fees to each of them For bailiff to keep the jury For relinquit verific : and cognovit actionem . . For condemnation. . . For nonsnit .... For licen : concern : . . For a judgment ... 1 For allowing of the bill of cost For entering com : - . Upon a presentment . . For entering a proclamation For entering every rule in court ... . . For entering causes in arrest of judgment and demur- rer in substance . . For a special verdict . . For attorney's fees every ^ court of trial .... 2 For drawing answers . For a counsellor's fees up- on demurrers or special, verdict . . . . . 10 For a copy of an action in court For a copy of a whole re- cord 1 For a privy verdict . , For drawing a declaration

  • For drawing a bill of cost

For a special courts to the steward ^. . • . . 4 4 4 4 4 4 2

4 4 4 4 4 8


4 4 4 8 9 FBB8 OF COURT. S. d. For the bailifiPs fees for the . said court .... 34 For the attorney's fees for the said court ... 34 But if it stop in court . nil For such writs as issue out of His Majesty's courts ' at Westminster/ and li- able here . . accustom* dfoet All other acts in special courts^ as in other or- dinary courts, single Jees^ except jurors For shilling pence in ac- tions on the case the steward shall have one penny in a shilling for so much damages as art justly due ; and if it ap- pear in any legal cause, by hearing before the Lord- Warden,* or Vice- warden, that there is . more shilling pence ta- ken by the steward, of any manor than the da- mages do amount unto by his or their ordei^ then the same shall here- paid to the party grieved by the steward within one month after such ■ notice or j u dgment, upon pain of i^lO. for a fine, and imprisonment until it be paid, the one half to the Prince, ahd the other to tK party giieved.