Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/140

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INDEX. YAGE. H. Highway f shafts not to be made in, and penalty . 64 J. Judges, resolutions of, 6 James 16O8, to be entered in a book, &c 37 Jurors,. . .See Tinners. L, Lands, what niay be bounded by common right 38 Law Court to be proclaimed 73 Lords, penalty on, suffering shafts to be made in the highway 64 N. Nonsuit, . . . See practice . P. Partners,. . .See Tinners. Practice, 1, executions out of stannary courts how long good ......... 29, 49 2, original process not to be erased, how to be returned ......... 29 Z, head bailiff, his son, &c. not to prac- tice in the court 30 4, no warrant of contempt on a rescue before cause heard 31,49 5, keeper on mesne process may take bail 31 6, penalty on V. Warden's making libe- rate without plaintifTs consent . . . ibid 7i only four names to be in warrant un- less there are more defendants in the same action . 32 . ^ 8, appearance to be in person or by attorney ..•..••... 32, 67