Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/27

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be made by the procurement of the said owner's servants and blowers, without the owner's privity or consent, then the servant and blower to forfeit five pounds apiece, and they both to be imprisoned by the space of one whole year without bail or mainprize, the one half of the said fines to the Lord-Prince, the other half to the buyer of the said tin; these fines to be levied by fieri facias.

11. The posier, tare-master, and their deputies to be sworn. 11. We find and present, that as the blower, so every other officer of the coinagecourt, whose voice is the rule of right between man and man, as namely the poiser, and tare-master and their deputies, ought to be' sworn in the stannary-court once every year, at one of the law-courts, duly and justly to exercise their offices, and to decide right between party and party, without any partiality upon pain of five pounds.

Who are tinners; 12. We further present, that no person shall implead ehe privileged tinner, in any foreign court, viz. a labouring tinner, a blower, owner of blowing-houses, a spaniard, or adventurer that is at any charge for getting or making of tin, a smith, a collier, or any person that is employed in working or making any tin, or about any necessary utensils for the working of the same; not to be impleaded out of the stannary-corts except for life, land or limb. 4 Instit. 229 Rolle, vol I. p.295. Vide chater Edw I. and exposition, 50 Edw. III, 4. Insit. 232, 233 &c.

if any person shall implead any such tinner for any cause, (except for life, land, or limb) arising within the stannaries, the Lord-Warden, Vice-Warden, or Steward of the Stannaries, upon petition or information to him exhibited in that behalf, is to call all such parties before him; and upon due proof thereof,