Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/48

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42 LAWS OP THE STANNARIES preemption, their deputies or supervisors, or enter the same of record^ before either of the stewards of the stannaries, or of the coinage- courts upon demand, and bring the same the next coinage to be coined. /f • ^"^'7 ^ 10. For that the falsification of tin, by our custom, is only punishable by fine arbitrary according to the quantity of the offence, and is so charged in the dutchy accounts under a particular tide of Fines Fabricationis falsi Stanni, and for that the damage by such falsification cannot amount to a value deserv- ing a forfeiture of the tin falsified, therefore for making the penalty certain in this case, if any shall hereafter make any falsified tin, either by artificial mixture, or by melting into it, or by casing or hiding within the body of the block of tin any baser metal thaii tin, the number piece, and that part of the block, which carrieth the blowing-house and owner's mark, being returned into the coin- age-town where it was coined, and there ac- cording to our custom tried, and the damage assessed by a jury of tinners ; we agree, con- stitute, and ordain that the owner shall for- feit, yield, and pay double damage, and full cost to the party grieved ; and every person being party or privy to such felsification shall forfeit three pounds, and suffer three months' imprisonment, and the blowers that shall be found to have been faulty, by knowledge, or consent thereunto, shall suffer imprisonment without bail or mainprize, until -he shall satisfy and pay the penalty of five pounds ; provided that neither this act nor any penalty therein laid shall extend to any natural mix«  turc y