Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/54

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•% 48 LAWS OF THE STANNARIES tin stuff or leavings of blowing-houses, other- wise than of honest persons, and before two sufficient witnesses at the least, as well the seller as the buyer and receiver, shall forfeit double the value of the thing sold and deli- vered; and they shall fufther make full re- compence to the party that shall be thereby wronged, either by toU, farm, share or other- wise; for recovery whereof, the party wrong- ed shall have his election to lay his action against the seller or buyer at his pleasure. a*. Stannary- 22. We prcscut, and affirm that by our courts to be held i 111 fiomthrcc weeks custom, the staunary-stcwards ought to keep to three weeks, ^hcir courts from thrcc weeks to three weeks, courts, special, and not within, except the law-courts or SurttT"^" ^ecial-courts for the trial of the rights of tin-works, to be held within the bounds in question, and of customary-courts held usu- ally the morrow after certain fairs. And we agree, constitute, and ordain that every stan- nary-steward, at the end of his general-court, before he adjourn the same, shall appoint, and cause to be proclaimed the day and place of his next general -court, and shall give a warrant to the head bailiff to call the same ; and shall likewise, give to the head bailiff a warrant to call the law-court twenty days be- fore the day of the said law-court; and if the steward shall offend in any of those points, he shall forfeit five pounds to be recovered in any of the stannary-courts. as. General and 23. And wc likcwisc coustitutc and ordain f^l^mT ^ *at the head bailiff shall cause every gene- ral-court to be called in full market in the usual market-towns, at least ten days before the