Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/63

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OF CORNWALL. seal bearing date at Whitehall the eighth day of September in the second year of his said Majesty's reign, which said convocation consisted of the following stannators, viz. Stannators of the stannary of Blackmore : SirJohnArundelljKt. Hum. Courtney, Esq. Chs. Trevanion, Esq.. Walter Kendall, Esiq. Jona. Rashleigh, Esq. John Tanner, Esq. Stannators of the stannary of Foymore : Sir Bou. Wrey, Bart. Sir Jn. Cory ton, Bart. Sir J.Molesworth, Kt. John Speccott, Esq. Nicholas Glynn, Esq. John Waddon, Esq. Stannators of the Stannary of Tywarnhaile : John Vivian, Esq. John Prideaux, Esq. Joseph Sawle, Esq. Henry Vincent, Esq. John Manly, Esq. Rich. Bonython,Esq^ Stannators of the stannary of Eenwith and Kerrier: Sir John Carew, Bart. Hump. Borlase, Esq. Wm. Arundell, Esq. Rich. Hoblyn, Esq. Greo. Robinson, Esq. John Pennick, Grent. The several wholesome laws and constitu- tions following were declared and enacted, viz. We the abovesaid four and twenty stanni- tors being duly elected and returned by the four respective mayors and councils of ^e^ several towns of Lostwythiel, Truro, Hel- stone, and Launceston, to serve in this pre- sent convocation or parliament of tinners, do find 57