Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/69

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in the said goods, or part adventurer, but of whom he pleaseth, and the quantity or how much of such goods and materials is necessary to be brought in and provided for the said work, The price to be fixed at the accounts of which notice is to be given and the price of such goods and materials shall be agreed upon by the major part or number of the adventurers respectively, at the time of the passing their counts, of which accounts, for the said work, and that due notice shall be given of the time and times of the passing of such accounts, at least one week before the passing thereof, to each adventurer, or his agent, or servant, who is intrusted to manage the said concern and tin work for him; If adventurer do not manage his own work he is to leave the name of this agent. and when such adventurer doth not look after or manage the said tin work in person, he is to leave the name in writing of the person he doth employ to look after or manage his right of adventure therein with the purser or captain of the said tin work for the time being, or such person as hath the greatest share or dole in the said adventure. Any adventurer selling, to give notice of the purchaser. And if any of the Any adventurer said adventurers shall sell, or dispose of his right of adventure, he shall give the like notice in writing of the name and habitation of the person to whom he shall sell, or dispose of the same. And in case that any of the said adventurers shall die, his executor or administrator shall give the like notice of the najne and habitation of the person who shall manage the same for him.

6. Persons contracting only to be sued for wages or goods; 6. Item. We do agrees constitute, and ordain that when there are several adventurers in one tin work, and any of the costs or charges of the said tin work for goods, wages,or