Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/76

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70 LAWS OF THE STANt^ARIES he shall forfeit ten pounds to the Lord Duke, or King ; but if it be by bill, plaint, or in- formation, the one moiety thereof shall be to the Lord Duke, or King, the other moiety thereof to the party suing, who shall likewise recover his costs and charges; i6. Penakyon i6. Item. Wc prcscut and affirm our an- X'h^f^'"** cient custom to be that no man ought to buy or receive any tin stuff, or black tin, otherwise than in the day-time openly at a wash from the sheet, nor to buy or receive any tin stuff, black tin, or the leavings of of suspected per- blowiug-houses, from any suspicious person &^'pag«ao,a6, that is not known to be an adventurer and 60. for tin, or owner in a blowing-house, or owners of lands or bounds ; and for reform- ation thereof. We do agree, constitute, and . ordain that whosoever shall otherwise buy or receive any tin stuff, or black tin than in the day-time openly at a wash, or before two sufficient witnesses ; or shall buy or receive any tin stuff, black tin, or leavings of bldW- ing houses, otherwise than of persons of reputed honesty, and before two sufficient witnesses at the least, as well the buyer as the seller and receiver, shall forfeit dbuble the value of the tin sold or delivered, and they shall farther make full recompence to the party that shall be thereby wronged either in toll farm share or otherwise, for recovery whereof the party wronged shall have his election to lay his action against the buyer or seller at his pleasure. And we do farther constitute, and ordain that every such Quantlt and t)uyer of black tin shall enter on the blowing BameofKUerto house book^ whcre he shall blow such black tin