Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/78

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0f out of uM coAmra nnut J2 LAWS OF THE STANNARIES And we do further order and ordain that no carrier or other person shall carry on convey any block, slab, or piece of tin exceeding one pound* weight from the blowing-house where the same shall be blown, otherwise than by the direct common road leading from the said blowing-house to the coinage- town, under the penalty that such carrier or person who shall otherwise carry or convey the said tin, being thereof legally convicted, shall likewise forfeit the true value thereof, the one half thereof to the Lord Duke, or King, and the other half thereof to the person that shall sue or prosecute for the salne, and shall also suffer imprisonment in^the gaol at Lostwythiel for the space of six months^ without bail or mainprize as aforesaid. 1 8. staimary. ig. Item. We do declare that the stan- orJi?<^5^" nary-courts are courts of record to be held •^ from three weeks to three weeks, according to ancient custom and prescription, and that the stewards thereof shall so keep them by themselves, or sufficient deputies; the courts to begin before twelve of the clock in thar forenoon, excepting the special courts, to be held upon any tin-work, and the courts held after certain fairs, according to ancient custom. «  19. Owners and xq. Item. We do agree, constitute, and blowers not to j • > i_ n . answer for each ordam that whcrc any fine or amerciament •dieis' defaults. gjjaH be laid or imposed upon any owner of a blowing-house, or blower, for their respective defaults, the same shall and may be levied upon any goods belonging to such owner or blower respectively for their respectiv* defaults^ and how to be held.