Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/94

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as LAW'S OF THK dTA^KARIES thai if any person cm* persons sbaB make falsified tin^ ekher by artificial mixture^ or by melting into, or by ca^ng or hiding within, the body of tile block of tin any bdser metal than tin, and shall be tberec^ con^cted by due course of law, then the person or persons so offending, and con- victed, shall forfeit and p!iy double the da- mage to the party aggrieved, which he sus- tained by such fiJsifi^tion, to be recovered by action or information in the court of the stannary wherein the offence was committed. And that every blower or smdter of tin, and other person privy and consulting to suc]i falsification, and duly convicted thereof shall forfeit the sum of forty pounds, the same to be levied upon the goods and chattels of the offender or offenders; and if no goods or chattels can be found, whereby the swd for- feiture may be levied, then, and in such case, the offender or offenders diall suffer impri- sonment in the stannary-jMison at Lostwy- thiel, without bail or mainprize for the space of six months. s. Coiiuige offi. 5, Item, Be it enacted and declared that centDbtfworo; ^^ comptrollers, poisers, and assay-masters or tare-masters, and all cheers of the coin- age, having commissions or deputations for their respective offices, and their respective deputies, before he or they shall execute his dMotdi, or their office or offices, shall be sworn in one of the stannary-courts before the Lord Warden, Vice- Warden, or steward, duly and justly to execute his or their said office or offices, and to decide and pronounce righdy and without partiali^^ between party and

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