Page:The Lay of the Last Minstrel - Scott (1805).djvu/285

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being scarce, I insert the following accurate transcript from the original, in the possession of the Right Honourable Lord Napier, the representative of John of Thirlestaine.

"James Rex.

"We James, be the grace of God king of Scottis, considerand the ffaith and guid servis of of of[1] right traist freind John Scott of Thirlestane, quha cummand to our hoste at Sautra Edge, with three score and ten launcieres on horsback of his freinds and followers, and beand willing to gang with ws into England, when all our nobles and others refuised, he was readdy to stake all at our bidding; ffor the quhilk cause, it is our will, and we doe straithe command and charg our lion he~ rauld, and his deputis for the time beand, to give and to graunt to the said John Scott, ane Border of ffleure de lises about his coatte of armes, sik as is on our royal banner, and alsua ane bundell of launces above his helmet, with thir words, Readdy, ay Readdy, that he and all his aftercummers may bruik the samine, as a pledge and taiken of our guid will.and kyndnes for his treue worthines; and thir our letters seen, ye nae wayes failzie to doe. Given at Ffalla Muire, under our hand and privy cashet, the xxvii day of Jully, mc and xxxxii zeires. By the King's graces speciall ordinance.

"Jo. Arskine."

On the back of the charter is written,

"Edin. 14. January, 1713. Registred, conform to the act of

  1. Sic. in orig.