Page:The Lay of the Last Minstrel - Scott (1805).djvu/29

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Twinkling faint, and distant far,
Shimmers through mist each planet star;
Ill may I read their high decree:
But no kind influence deign they shower
On Teviot's tide, and Branksome's tower,
Till pride be quell'd, and love be free."

The unearthly voices ceast,
And the heavy sound was still;
It died on the river's breast,
It died on the side of the hill—
But round Lord David's tower
The sound still floated near;
For it rung in the Ladye's bower,
And it rung in the Ladye's ear.
She raised her stately head,
And her heart throbbed high with pride:
"Your mountains shall bend,
And your streams ascend,
Ere Margaret be our foeman's bride!"