Page:The Lessons of the German Events (1924).djvu/5

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The Lessons of the German Events

The Presidium met to discuss the German question for the first time on January 8. A report was read by Comrade Losovsky on the Trade Union question. After the report there was a brief discussion.

The second meeting took place on January 11. There were present, apart from the members of the Presidium and the members of the Executive Council present in Moscow, several representatives of the Polish and Bulgarian parties and the representatives of the three sections in the C.P.G.

The discussion of the political question was conducted on the basis of five draft resolutions:—

A draft by Comrade Zinoviev,

A draft by Comrade Radek and Comrade Trotsky,

A draft by the representative of the Left,

A draft by the Centre,

and an agreed draft drawn up jointly by Comrade Zinoviev, two representatives of the Centre, Comrades Remmele and Keonen and Comrade Pieck.

The discussion was opened by a report by the representative of the E.C.C.I., which was followed by reports by Brandler, Remmele, and R. Fischer.

We give here the speeches delivered during the discussion as well as the speech of Comrade Zinoviev delivered at the meeting of the Commission of January 12. We also give a report of the progress of the work of the Commission, a report of the meetings of the Presidium on January 19 and 21, the results of the voting and in addition the statements entered in the minutes and resolutions carried.



My report will be divided into two parts. The first will describe the work of the delegation, and give the facts and the most important documents in connection with this work. The second part will attempt to examine the great defeat of the Party, to explain its significance as Arwid and I see it.

I will commence with the first part. The delegation does not accept the decisive resolution of the Party that was passed at the Chemnitz conference in its absence.

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