Page:The Lessons of the German Events (1924).djvu/65

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fusion is marked in the present document, on which—with the assistance of the E.C.C.I.—both these tendencies representing together 99 per cent. of the German Communist Party were united.

All the representatives of the Sections of the Comintern now in Moscow (including the Polish Communists) voted for the resolution.

At the last moment even the followers of Comrade Brandler subscribed in principle to the resolution, making a special declaration.

The E.C.C.I. is convinced that the fusion of the central main body with the left against the opportunist errors of the right will assist the German Communist Party in carrying out correctly the great tasks now confronting it. The E.C.C.I. will take the most severe measures against any manifestation of factionism, from whatever side it comes.

G. Z.

The events which took place in Germany, Poland and Bulgaria in the period from May to November, 1923, marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the international movement.

In Germany, along with the development of the crisis in the Ruhr, the proletarian class war passed from the phase of gradual accumulation of revolutionary forces into a new phase concerning the fight for power.

In view of the great significance of the German revolutionary movement, the historical change which took place in August and September and the events of the autumn are of great importance to the Communist International. The lessons and the conclusions to be derived from these experiences must be taken advantage of to the greatest detail by the whole of the Communist International.

Since a tactical estimate of these events must be made almost entirely of the fundamental principles of the Communist International, the Executive desires once more to give a fully concrete exposition of the tactical method of the Communist International, which in the present epoch is both theoretically and principally of extreme importance—the tactics of the United Front.

I. The Tactics of the United Front

At the Third World Congress of the Communist International, the tasks of the German Communist Party arising from the March defeat were discussed in the greatest detail and summed up in the slogan: To the Masses! In December of the same year, the method by which the masses were to be won over was embodied concretely in the resolution of the Executive on the tactics of the United Front.

In Germany the Communist Party immediately proceeded to carry out the tactics of the United Front with the greatest earnest-

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