Page:The Lessons of the German Events (1924).djvu/78

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the whole Party on the Party Congress should unitedly put an end to the fractional conflicts and achieve complete power of action.

The Executive of the Communist International calls the attention of every member of the German Communist Party and of all the other Sections of the Communist International to the gigantic tasks of the present revolutionary crisis. The Executive is firmly convinced that the experiences of the last few months have not been in vain, and if they are carefully studied and utilised, will bring the victory of the proletariat nearer.




Unity in the Trade Union Movement

The Communist Party of Germany, which has assumed the immediate task of freeing the proletarian masses from the influence of reformism, fights with the same determination as heretofore against the slogan "Leave the Trade Unions."

The Communists, who remain and work whereever there are proletarian masses with increased energy, and in view of the disintegration of the ranks of the social-democrats—probably with increased success, form their Communist fractions, which serve as the centres of the revolitionary trade union movement.

At the present moment, when the Party has been declared illegal and is forced to make use of every possibility of legal action, this is of particular importance.

The Communists, as heretofore, are opposed to splits and combat this policy of the Social-Democrats even when the latter exclude them from the trade unions. The preservation of unity in the trade union movement is particularly important during the period of the capitalist offensive and the growth of re-action.

The Organisation of Expelled Members and Others

Those who have been expelled from the trade unions, as well as those sections of the working class which have not yet been organised into trade unions, must be organised by the Communists in accordance with the conerete situation prevailing in each individual trade union. Therefore it is imperative that the Communists understand how to apply various and manifold methods (factory councils, control committees, dual trade unions of expelled members, general worker's committees, committees of unemployed, &c.), without being tied down to any one of the methods and forms of opposition. The General Committee of the

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