Page:The Lessons of the German Events (1924).djvu/83

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In medium sized towns, sub-sections should be formed, uniting the factory and the residential nuclei. The sub-sections constitute the local organisation. In small towns and villages the nuclei are united into local groups. The local organisations in middle-sized towns and the local groups of small towns and of villages are united into sub-districts.

Note.—Sub-sections and local groups, in accordance with local needs and requirements, hold regular meetings of all the members of the factory and residential nuclei of their sub-section.

(8) At the head of each sub-section or local group, is an executive committee consisting of three to five persons, elected at the general meeting of the members of the nuclei of the sub-section or local group, or else, depending upon local conditions (e.g., when the Party is illegal) at delegate conferences. The Secretary of the committee of the sub-section and of the local groups must be confirmed by the section committee (in the country districts, by sub-district (committee) is the section or sub-district committee elected at section or sub-district Party conferences.

(9) At the sub-section and group delegate meetings, and at district and sub-district conferences, the nuclei should be represented in proportion to the size of their membership, but in such a manner that the majority should consist of delegates from the factory nuclei. The number of delegates from each nucleus should be decided by the sub-section or sub-district committee.

In organisations where, owing to the fact that they are illegal, it is impossible to have a large representation at the sections or sub-district conferences, the delegates may be elected not directly by the nuelei, but at sub-section or group delegate meetings.

(10) Local Committees (in large towns) are elected at local conferences consisting of delegates from all the sections elected at section conferences in proportion to the size of the membership of the district.

(11) In order to increase the influence of the factory nuclei, more than half the members, both of the sub-section committees and of the section committees should be members of factory nuclei. The locall committees should consist partly of factory workers.

(12) Where the Party is illegal, the higher Party organs in special circumstances (e.g., the arrest of a section committee, &c.) have the right to appoint new members of the section committee, with the understanding that a delegate meeting or conference will be summoned at the first opportunity in order to confirm the appointed committee or elect a new one. Members of a committee who have escaped arrest have the right of co-opting new members to the committee, with the agreement and confirmation of the higher party organs, until a conference is summoned, If the party is illegal, the number of members of the section committee should be as small as possible.

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