Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/151

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GERMAN LIBRARIES. 139 have to be fetched from the shelves and carried to the lending department. Ten hours of two assis- tants have been allotted for making ready the parcels of the Prussian Leihverkehr, six hours of another (lady) assistant for doing the same as to the sending of books out of the Prussian Leihverkehr. There are four attendants for packing, and un- packing, and posting. To examine the returned books is the main duty of an additional (lady) assistant. The volumes are replaced with the volumes returned by local borrowers. The work at the register of lent books and other work also is increased by the inter-library loan service. The time used for ordering books from other libraries varies in accordance with the orders. In the University Library at Jena, the non-local borrower receives the required books by parcel post. A letter, on the back of which the regula- tions of the library are printed, accompanies the books, asking for a fee of 1 5 Pfennige (for packing and for the post fee for delivery of the returning parcel) and for the borrower's signature on the enclosed receipt slips for the books sent. A receipt-book is kept, recording date, borrower's name and address, the titles of the books, the numbers of the receipt-slips, and the total of fees demanded for packing, etc. Accounts are struck off as soon as settled. There are also necessary entries in the letter-book and cash-book, etc. Some statistics illustrating the subjecl of this paper will be printed in a subsequent number. ERNST CROUS.