Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/179

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RECENT FOREIGN LITERATURE. 167 L'Annee 1814. Par Arthur Chuquet. Letters and memoirs giving new or little known details of the events of the year. Les Conventionnels regicides d'apres des docu- ments officiels et inedits. Par Pierre Bliard. A record of the group of 387 conventionnels who condemned Louis XVI. Les ' Ci-devant nobles ' et la revolution. Florian revolutionnaire La carrosse armorie de Madame Anferraut de Tracy Les vingt-deux annees d'emigration de M. de Fontane. Par le Comte G. Mareschal de Bievre. Studies of three special cases in which ex-nobles became as regards the assembly which overturned the monarchy c des par- tisans simules, des neutres apeures ou des adversaires irredu&ibles.' Madame de Souza et sa famille. Les Marigny Les Flahauts Auguste de Morny (1761-1836). Par Baron Andre de Maricourt. The biography of a woman who lived in the days of the 'ancien regime,' of the tragedy of the Revolution, of the splendour of the Empire, of the dulness of the Restoration, and the monarchy or July, and so is a living link between the eighteenth century and the second Empire. Une Oubliee. Madame Cottin d'apres sa corre- spondance. Par Arnelle. It has been said of her works : ' Genlis fait reflechir, Stae'l penser, Souza sourire, Cottin reVer et pleurer.' Un ami de Machiavel. Fran9ois Vettori sa vie et ses oeuvres. 2 vols. Par Louis Passy. The author has spent many years in collecting his material. The biography is based on original documents, and on the corre- spondence of Machiavelli, Vettori, Strozzi, etc. The second volume contains nearly all the documents connected with Vettori, and a chapter on his literary work. ELIZABETH LEE.