Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/239

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REVIEWS. 227 J&nblattdructtf des xv. Jahrhunderts. Ein biblio- graphisches Verzeichnis herausgegeben von der Kommission fur den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegen- druce. Halle a. S., Verlag von Ehrhardt Karras. 1914. pp* xix. 553. This new addition to the Sammlung bibliotheks- wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten begun by Dr. Dziatko and worthily continued by Professor Haebler, is a volume of extraordinary interest. It registers some 1,630 single sheets printed in the fifteenth cen- tury, and is full of valuable material, not only for bibliographers and students of printing, but also for the political and social historian. Nearly a fourth of these single sheets are preserved at Munich, and the existence of these, and of a smaller collection of 128, once the property of Herr Culemann, now in the Kestner Museum at Hanover, has long been known. The others have come to light very largely through the researches of the Commission by whose members this cata- logue has been edited with admirable precision. More than half the entries are concerned with two subjects, the traffic in Indulgences accounting for no fewer than 550 entries, and that in Almanacs for over 320. German songs account for another hundred, official documents by the Emperor Maxi- milian for about as many more, and those of Pope Sixtus IV for some sixty. Other important groups are of prayers, pieces in honour of Christ, the Holy Mother, and the Saints, certificates of ad- mission to confraternities, booksellers' advertise- ments, and notices of shooting competitions. The