Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/269

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257 NOTES ON THE INTRODUCTION OF PRINTING INTO SUSSEX UP TO THE YEAR 1850; WITH A CHRO- NOLOGY OF SUSSEX PRINTERS TO THAT DATE. AVING been interested in Sussex bibliography for some years, I have collected from time to time various items relating to printing in that county, and these notes form the basis of this article. They are necessarily very imperfect, owing to the scarcity of material, but they have a certain value as a contribution towards a future history of provincial printing. Only by the com- pilation of county lists such as this can material be obtained on which to base a general history of printing in the provinces. The following entries are the earliest specimens or notices of printing in Sussex I have been able to trace. My chief source of information has been the very fine collection of books, pamphlets, etc., relating to Sussex belonging to the Brighton Public Library. The articles by the late W. H. Allnutt have also been used, as well as Cotton's 'Typographical Gazetteer' and Power's c Handy Book about Books/ The dates of the