Page:The Life Of Saint Gaetan Founder Of The Order Of Theatins.pdf/60

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  1. affairs which do not concern him. It is a sufficiently grave responsibility to have to render an account to God of all our special obligations.
  2. A Christian who lives in forgetfulness of his true country, which is Heaven, is like a traveller who, blinded by drink, cannot find his way home.
  3. He who has the most care for his own life and most esteem for himself, feels most the weight of human misery.
  4. If we study with all our hearts to please God, we shall find Him ever ready to remember us in all our necessities.
  5. Never let us forget that as, day by day, we draw nearer to the end of our mortal life, we ought to rejoice, because we are drawing so much nearer to the beginning of eternity.
  6. Never let us trust in our own merits, or in the certainty of our eternal salvation, for God alone holds in His hand the grace of final perseverance.
  7. To be satisfied with not being in mortal sin is the worst peril for a soul, because the most insiduous; and is a real offence against the infinite love and mercy of God.