Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/207

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would be a mistake to suppose, that this movement was merely impulsive. Years since, it had been in existence ; the Swadeshi movement, which in its wider significance was a movement for the reconstruction of the National Life, made it powerful. Especially in Thana, Belgaum and Ahmednagar, systematic efforts had been made to check the evil of drink. It was, however, reserved, for the picketng movement to make *' Temperance " which in Indian Vernaculars always means total abstinence, a hve issue. Within less than a fortnight, it was estimated that the sale of liquor in Poona City was all but stopped. It was impossible that the keepers of the liquor shops would take this agitation lying down. They tried their best to put obstacles in the way of the Volunteers. But cautious, tactful and well-disciplined that the volunteers were, they worked in spite of rebufifs, insults and provocations. The experiences of the Swadeshi picketing at Calcutta had taught them not to court any collision with the Police ; and in their well-meant efforts, they could rely upon the support and advice of three different sections of people, the Nationalists, the Moderates and Loyahsts of the type of Dr. Mann and the Rev. Mr. MacNickel the purity of whose motives at least was so far as the Bureaucrats were concerned beyond question. The Volunteers worked under the direct supervision of the Poona Temperance Society, whose members, besides framing stringent rules for the observance of the Volunteers took special care to see that those rules were scrupulously observed. The Volunteers were selected after careful inquiry ; the work they were set to do was carefully apportioned. They were strictly directed to