Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/231

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As soon as the sentence was pronounced and the Judge had left the Court, Mr. Tilak was taken charge of by the PoUce and was sent to Sabarmati gaol to celebrate his 53rd birth-day (23rd July 1908). He was treated just like a common convict; and it was only when ten days of jail diet brought down his weight by 10 lbs. that apprehension was felt concerning his health, and a gentleman's diet was given to him.

From Sabarmati, he was removed (Sept. 13th, 1908) to Mandalay. His sentence was commuted to one of simple imprisonment. This '* act of grace " acted pre- judicially to Mr. Tilak's interests. Had the original sentence been executed, he would have got greater remission. Besides, in the Andamans he would have been able to Uve in perfect freedom after furnishing the usual security. While, at Mandalay, he had to confine himself, for six long years, to a room measuring 20x12. He represented these facts to the authorities, but to no purpose.

When Mr. Tilak was sentenced to transportation for six years, there were few, even among his opponents who expected him to survive the term of his exile. Two things however, besides his own fortitude and Faith in God, enabled him to outlive the dread monotony and killing soUtude of his life. They were (i) health and {2) mental occupation. But these, in their turn depended upon things quite beyond his control. The Government, however, was pleased to deal with him leniently. He was allowed to have his own food cooked by a Brahmin convict specially kept at his disposal; and when diabetes raised its head, he could