Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/329

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Friday and the whole of Saturday, he continued in the same unconscious state of mind with uncertain and irregular pulse and a weak heart. Suddenly at 10-30 P.M., his heart began to show signs of exhaustion and his breathing became hard, and at last at 12-50 a.m., August 1st, 1920, the cruel hand of Death snatched him away."

Anxious messages, distinguished callers, large, unmanageable crowds testified to the love and devotion he inspired. During the sad week, the hearts of all Indians, alternating with hopes and fears, must have gone up to the Almighty in silent or vocal prayer. But the hopes were dashed to the ground and the worst fears proved true, when on August ist, the news of his demise was flashed all over the country !

What a pity that he left us no parting message 1 True, his whole life was one long message, a source of inspiration to all. When his feeble body was struggling with his departing soul, even then, he thought, not of home and family, but of his God and his country. In the earher stages of his unconsciousness, when a copy of the Gita was shown to him, he uttered his favourite verses : —

"Whenever virtue subsides and vice prevails I come down to protect the good, to destroy the wicked and to establish Dharma." {Gita, Chapter 4, Verses y &S).

These memorable words of Lord Krishna, uttered by