Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/206

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own mental denomination, Mind, which divides, subdivides, increases, diminishes, constitutes, and sustains, according to the law of God.”[1]

Thus in her own words we have the secret of her submission to adverse circumstances and conditions with a marvelous cheerfulness. It was submission to the spiritual sense of things, docility to the tutelage of divine inspiration. She further says:

I had learned that Mind reconstructed the body, and that nothing else could. How it was done, the spiritual Science of Mind must reveal. It was a mystery to me then, but I have since understood. All Science is a revelation. Its Principle is divine, not human, reaching higher than the stars of heaven.

I have said that her task was to re-christen the verities. She says that she withdrew from society for about three years to ponder her mission, to search the Scriptures, to find the Science of Mind that should take the things of God and show them to the creature and reveal the great curative Principle, — Deity[2] How did she set about this task? She says:

The Bible was my text-book. It answered my questions as to how I was healed; but the Scriptures had to me a new meaning, a new tongue. Their spiritual signification appeared; and I apprehended for the first time, in their spiritual meaning, Jesus’ teaching and demonstration, and the Principle and rule of spiritual Science and Metaphysical Healing, — in a word, Christian Science.[3]

  1. Retrospection and Introspection,” p. 44.
  2. Ibid., p. 45.
  3. Ibid., p. 39.