Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/299

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ward J. Arens, that Sargeant did induce me by great persuasion to go with him to East Cambridge from Boston, on or about the 7th day of November last, the day of the hearing in the municipal court of Boston in the case of Dr. Asa G. Eddy and E. J. Arens for attempting to hire said Sargeant to kill one Daniel Spofford, and that he showed me the place and the cars that he was going to swear to, and told me what to say in court, and made me repeat the story until I knew it well, so that I could tell the same story that he would, and there was not one word of truth in it all. I never heard a conversation in East Cambridge between said Eddy and Arens and Sargeant, or saw them pay or offer to pay Sargeant any money.

(Signed)Geo. A. Collier.

The other affidavits Mrs. Eddy secured were statements as to Mr. Eddy’s whereabouts on the day and at the hour when the ex-convict Sargeant declared he was conferring with him and giving him money on the railroad tracks. The statements made before justices and sworn to in all cases were that Mr. Eddy was teaching a class in metaphysics at the home of David Grey, 43 Clifford street, Boston Highlands, from two-thirty o’clock until five-forty-five o’clock. The ride in the horse cars of those days to East Cambridge from this address would have consumed an hour. Mr. Eddy, however, reached his home in Lynn about seven-fifteen, p. m., having gone from Boston Highlands to the Eastern depot and returned to his home on the six-thirty o’clock train. It took him three quarters of an hour to reach the Eastern depot from his class in Boston