Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/436

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respondence which she had not as yet laid down combined to fill her days with as much activity as a man in his prime would care to assume. It was therefore of especial significance that to her should have come at this time news of the dedication of a splendid church edifice in the largest city of the world, First Church of Christ, Scientist, London, England.

Two letters came to Mrs. Eddy from the board of directors of this church, one in May explaining the steps which had been taken to make possible the dedication, and another in June to say the dedication was solemnized June 13. In the letter of particulars these interesting facts were given:

The whole of our liabilities, amounting to upward of eighty thousand pounds (approximately four hundred thousand dollars), have been met, and the church stands on its own freehold site in one of the most convenient positions in London. Our aim throughout has been to keep to the keynote of simplicity and dignity, to accommodate as many as possible within the limits of our space, and to arrange that all should be able to see and hear to the best advantage. All the Christian Science churches in London, and other Christian Science churches in the United Kingdom, have generously contributed to our building fund. The meeting on April 26 had been called for the purpose of taking up a collection to enable us to pay off the sum still remaining as a liability on the land, but at the commencement of the meeting the treasurer was able to announce that the sum was already in hand,