Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/472

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 Eddy’s letters in, 382, 384, 385, 389-391

Shannon, Miss Kate, 345

Shiloh, battle of, George Glover wounded at, 63

Sibley, Miss Alice, companion to Mrs. Eddy, 284, 285, 290

Slavery, Mrs. Eddy’s attitude toward, 39, 40; she frees her slaves, 42

Smith, Judge Clifford P., 402, 404

—— Hanover P., 290

—— Governor Hoke, letter of, 7, 8

—— Myra, Mrs. Eddy’s blind servant, 61, 62, 65, 69

Spiritualism, birth of, 54; great interest taken in, 55, 56

Spofford, Daniel H., student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 223-227 ; begins practise of healing, 230, 231; his mismanagement of the first edition of Science and Health, 235-237; his defection, 238-240; sued by Lucretia Brown for mesmerism, 241, 242; report of his murder, 247; Arens and Eddy arrested as his murderers, 247-249; facts of the conspiracy, 252-258

Stanley, Charles S., his unfitness as a student of Christian Science, 200, 203, 204

Stark, General, 2

Stevens, Oliver, District Attorney, 248, 249

Stewart, Allison V., appointed Mrs. Eddy’s publisher, 379; elected to directorship, 379

—— Rev. Samuel B., 197; unites Mr. and Mrs. Eddy in marriage, 232

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 52

Strang, Lewis C., secretary to Mrs. Eddy, 357, 358; the suit in equity, 363

Straw, Jane I., 269

Streeter, General Frank S., Mrs. Eddy’s lawyer, 358, 392; trusteeship, 365

Stuart, Elizabeth G., 269

Swampscott, Mass., Mrs. Eddy’s news-letters from, 124

Taunton, Mass., 163, 164

Thompson, Dr. E. J., talks with Mrs. Eddy about religion, 161

—— Charles P., attorney for Mrs. Eddy, 234

Tilton, Abigail, see Abigail Baker

—— Alexander, marries Abigail Baker, 32; prosperity of, 49, 50

Tomlinson, Irving C., the suit in equity, 363; trusteeship, 365

Transcendentalism, account of movement, 155-158

Transcript, the Lynn, quotes Wallace W. Wright, 201, 202

Traveler, the Boston, quoted, 320

Tuttle, George, becomes one of Mrs. Eddy’s students, 199; his unfitness, 200, 203, 204

Unitarianism, 155, 157

Unity of Good, first appearance, 315

Universalism, 155, 157

University Press, The, prints Science and Health, 310, 312

Wallace, Sir William, 6

War, the Civil, causes leading up to, 50, 51

War, French and Indian, New Hampshire’s part in, 2

War of 1812, 6

War of Independence, New Hampshire’s part in, 24

Webster, Daniel, 4, 35, 50, 51

—— Mrs. Nathaniel, Mrs. Eddy boards with, 176

Weller, Mrs. Janette E., travels with Mrs. Eddy. 314