Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/145

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While in Lynn Mrs. Patterson continued to take an interest in Spiritualism. The older Spiritualists of Lynn remember her taking part as a medium in a circle which met at the home of Mrs. George Clark in Summer Street. Mrs. Richard Hazeltine says:[1]

My husband, Richard Hazeltine, and I went to the circle at Mrs. Clark's and saw Mrs. Glover[2] pass into the trance state, and heard her communicate by word of mouth messages received from the spirit world, or what she said and we believed were messages from the spirit world. I cannot forget certain peculiar features of these sittings of Mrs. Glover's. Mrs. Glover told us, as we were gathered there, that, because of her superior spiritual quality, and because of the purity of her life, she could only be controlled in the spirit world by one of the Apostles and by Jesus Christ. When she went into the trance state and gave her communications to members of the circle, these communications were said by Mrs. Glover to come, through her as a medium, from the spirit of one of the Apostles or of Jesus Christ.

Mrs. Mary Gould, a Spiritualist medium in Lynn, remembers that at one time Abraham Lincoln was one of Mrs. Glover's controls.

In the winter of 1866-67 Mrs. Patterson met Hiram Crafts at a boarding-house in Lynn. Crafts was a shoe-worker of East Stoughton, who had come to Lynn to work in a shoe factory there for the winter. Mrs. Patterson tried to interest every one she met in Quimby's theories and saw in the serious shoe maker a prospective pupil. What she told Crafts of this new system of doctoring appealed to him strongly; he was a Spiritualist and was deeply interested in psychic phenomena. After he returned home, he sent for Mrs. Patterson to come to East

  1. From the affidavit of Mrs. Richard Hazeltine of Lynn.
  2. Although Mrs. Patterson did not divorce Dr. Patterson until 1873, she resumed her former name of Glover soon after he went away.