Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/16

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VII.   Dr. and Mrs. Patterson in Lynn—Their Separation—Mrs. Patterson as a Professional Visitor—She Teaches Hiram Crafts the Quimby “Science”—Mrs. Patterson in Amesbury 105
VIII.   Two Years with the Wentworths in Stoughton—Mrs. Patterson Instructs Mrs. Wentworth from the Quimby Manuscripts and Prepares Her First Book for the Press 121
IX.   Mrs. Glover Goes into Partnership with Richard Kennedy—Their Establishment in Lynn—Mrs. Glover's First Disciples—Disagreements and Lawsuits 134
X.   Mrs. Glover's Influence over Her Students—Quimby Discredited—Daniel Harrison Spofford—Mrs. Glover's Marriage to Asa Gilbert Eddy 155
XI.   The First Appearance of Science and Health—Christian Science as a System of Metaphysics—As a Religion—As a Curative Agent 176
XII.   Mrs. Eddy's Belief that She Suffered for the Sins of Others—Letters to Students—The Origin and Development of Malicious Animal Magnetism—A Revival of Witchcraft 211
XIII.   The “Conspiracy to Murder” Case—Arrest of Eddy and Arens on a Sensational Charge—Hearing in Court—Discharge of the Defendants 245