Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/234

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ing, for we are told that "error will continue for seven thousand years, from the time of Adam, its origin. At the expiration of this period Truth will be generally comprehended, and science roll back the darkness that now hides the eternal sunshine and lift the curtain on Paradise, where earth produces at the command of Intelligence, and Soul, instead of sense, govern man."

Mrs. Glover believed thoroughly that, in the meantime, it was her mission to restore to man his original state of spirituality. Throughout the centuries since Adam, there has been but one other who brought the message of "science" to mankind. "Jesus of Nazareth," Mrs. Glover wrote, "was the most scientific man of whom we have any record." "The Principle He demonstrated was beyond question, science," and she refers to Him as "The great Teacher of Christian Science," and the "Pioneer of the science of Life."

Mrs. Glover's explanation of the dual nature of Christ was like Quimby's. Christ she defined as God, or "the Principle and Soul of the man Jesus; constituting Christ-Jesus, that is, Principle and Idea." But Mrs. Glover went farther than Quimby and presented a new explanation of the origin and birth of Christ. She said: "Why Jesus of Nazareth stood higher in the scale of being, and rose proportionately beyond other men in demonstrating God, we impute to His spiritual origin. He was the offspring of Soul, and not sense; yea, the son of God. The science of being was revealed to the virgin mother, who in part proved the great Truth that God is the only origin of man. The conception of Jesus illustrated this Truth and finished the example of creation." The birth