Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/324

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been made uppermost in the meetings and in Mrs. Eddy's talks." Edward A. Orne had quietly left the Church some time before, and Mr. Buswell was in Cincinnati. There were scarcely a dozen students left to whom Mrs. Eddy could turn in an hour of need. During the next few months she worked incessantly to rally her shattered ranks, and on February 3, 1882, the few remaining members of the Christian Scientists' Association published in the Lynn Union resolutions[1] censuring the act of the seceding members, stamping their charges as untrue, and indorsing Mrs. Eddy to the extent of affirming her "the chosen messenger of God to the nations," and declaring that "unless we hear Her voice we do not hear His voice."

Ardent as these resolutions were, they were the swan-song of the movement in Lynn, and to this day the Christian Science Church there has never prospered. Its members declare that

  1. The following is a copy of these resolutions:

    "At a meeting of the Christian Scientist association the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

    "Resolved, That we the members of the Christian Scientist association, do herein express to our beloved teacher, and acknowledged leader, Mary B. Glover Eddy, our sincere and heartfelt thanks and gratitude for her earnest labours in behalf of this association, by her watchfulness of its interest, and persistent efforts to maintain the highest rule of Christian love among its members.

    "Resolved, That while she has had little or no help, except from God, in the introduction to this age of materiality of her book, Science and Health, and the carrying forward of the Christian principles it teaches and explains, she has been unremitting in her faithfulness to her God-appointed work, and we do understand her to be the chosen messenger of God to bear his truth to the nations, and unless we hear 'Her Voice,' we do not hear 'His Voice.'

    "Resolved, That while many and continued attempts are made by the malpractise, as referred to in the book, Science and Health, to hinder and stop the advance of Christian science, it has with her leadership attained a success that calls out the truest gratitude of her students, and when understood, by all humanity.

    "Resolved, That the charges made to her in a letter, signed by J. C. Howard, M. R. Rice, D. B. Rawson, and five others, of hypocrisy, ebullitions of temper, and love of money, are utterly false, and the cowardice of the signers in refusing to meet her and sustain or explain said charges, be treated with the righteous indignation it justly deserves. That while we deplore such wickedness and abuse of her who has befriended them in their need, and when wrong, met them with honest, open rebuke, we look with admiration and reverence upon her Christ-like example of meekness and charity, and will, in future, more faithfully follow and obey her divine instructions, knowing that in so doing we offer the highest testimonial of our appreciation of her Christian leadership.

    "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to our teacher and leader, Mary B. Glover Eddy, and a copy be placed on the records of. this Christian Scientist association."