Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/366

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another a tirade upon animal magnetism; and in still another the following acknowledgment of Christmas gifts:

From Bradford Sherman, C. S., and his wife Mrs. Mattie Sherman, C. S., of Chicago,—Wild Flowers of Colorado, a large elegantly bound and embellished book, containing twenty-two paintings of the gorgeous flowers of the Occident.

From Mrs. Hannah A. Larminie, C. S., of Chicago,—a book with a sweet, illustrated poem, and a very elegant pocket-handkerchief.

From Mrs. Mattie Williams, C. S.,—a large, fine photograph of her beautiful home in Columbus, Wisconsin. On the piazaa are herself and husband; on the grounds in front, her children with their bicycles.

Mary B. G. Eddy.[1]

This annual acknowledgment of Mrs. Eddy's Christmas gifts in the Journal grew more formidable as the years went by. In 1889 Mrs. Eddy listed her presents as follows:


Eider-down pillow, white satin with gold embroidery. Eider-down pillow, blue silk, hand-painted, and fringed with lace. Pastel painting of Minnehaha Falls, with silvered easel. Silver nut-pick set. Painted Sèvres China tea-set. Book, Beautiful Story, 576 pages, with steel engravings and lithographs. The Doré Bible Gallery, embellished. Brussels-lace tie. Silken sofa-scarf, inwrought with gold. Pansy bed, in water-colours, with bronze frame. Stand for lemonade-set. Silver combination-set. Silk and lace mat. Embroidered linen handkerchief, in silken sachet-holder. Chinese jar. Silk-embroidered plush table-scarf. Connected reclining-pillows. Work of art, White and Franconia Mountains. Transparent painting of Jacqueminots. Satin and lace pin-cushion. Barometer. Cabinet photograph-holder. Perfumery. Large variety of books and poems. Face of the Madonna, framed in oak and ivory. Moon-mirror, with silver setting, and "the Man in the Moon." Hand-painted blotter. Embroidered linen handkerchiefs. Blue silk-embroidered shawl. Plush portemonnaie. Openwork linen handkerchief. Charm slumber-robe. Bible Pearls of Promise. Large white silk banner with silver fringe. Sachet bags. Two velvet table mats. Silver holder for stereoscopic views. Two fat Kentucky turkeys. Hosts of bouquets and Christmas cards.

The following year, 1890, her publisher, Mr. William G.

  1. Christian Science Journal, January, 1886.