Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/536

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Their representative lectures must be censored by the clerk of the Mother Church. The Manual stipulates that these lectures must "bear testimony to the facts pertaining to the life of the Pastor Emeritus."

Seven missionaries are elected annually by the Board of Directors, and their duties are to fill vacancies in pulpits and to "correctly propagate" Christian Science wherever it is most needed.

The Board of Education consists of three members, the President, Vice-President, and a teacher. Mrs. Eddy is the permanent President—unless, says the Manual, she sees fit to "resign over her own signature." The Vice-President and teacher are elected from time to time, "subject to the approval of the Pastor Emeritus."

It is not easy to become a member of the Mother Church. The applicant for admission must read nothing upon metaphysics or religion except Mrs. Eddy's books and the Bible, and his application must be countersigned by one of Mrs. Eddy's loyal students, who is made responsible for the candidate's sincerity. There are many things for which the new member may be expelled after he is once admitted into the church. He may not haunt the roads upon which Mrs. Eddy drives. He may not discuss, lecture upon, or debate upon Christian Science in public without permission from one of her representatives. He must not be a "leader" in the church and must never be called one. He may read only the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's books for religious instruction. He shall not "vilify" the Pastor Emeritus. He must go to Mrs. Eddy's home and serve her in person for one year if she requires it of him. He