Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/539

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thereafter Christian Scientists must submit to vaccination, and report cases of contagion as required by law.

A year later the teaching and practice of obstetrics was dropped by order of Mrs. Eddy, who gave as the reason, "Obstetrics is not Science, and will not be taught." This was after obstetrics had been taught and practised as "Science" for thirty-two years.

An important change of practice was instituted when, in December, 1902, the Journal announced: "Mrs. Eddy advises, until the public thought becomes better acquainted with Christian Science, that Christian Scientists decline to doctor infectious or contagious diseases." On the same subject Mrs. Eddy wrote: "Christian Scientists should be influenced by their own judgment in the taking of a case of malignant disease, they should consider well their ability to cope with the case—and not overlook the fact that there are those lying in wait to catch them in their sayings; neither should they forget that in their practice, whether successful or not, they are not especially protected by law."

Christian Scientists are now permitted to consult with medical practitioners in certain cases. A by-law provides that, "if a member of this church has a patient that he does not heal; and whose case he cannot lawfully diagnose, he may consult with an M.D. on the anatomy involved. And it shall be the privilege of a Christian Scientist to confer with an M.D. on ontology, or the Science of Being."

Christian Scientists are no longer allowed to use the titles, "Reverend," or "Doctor," unless they have received these titles under the laws of the state.