Page:The Life of William Morris.djvu/785

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painting, 114; skill as an illuminator, 118; model for Lancelot or Tristram, 124 ; his suit of armour, 124-125 ; journey down the Seine, 141 ; joins the volunteers, 166 ; has rheumatic fever, 168; removes from Upton to Queen Square, 170 ; pub- lishes "Jason," 189-190 ; publishes "The Earthly Paradise," 198 ; personal appearance, great strength, and other attributes, 223 ; his taste for the culinary art, 230 ; journey to Iceland, 247 ; return from Iceland, 280, moves to Horrington House, Chiswick, 297 ; visits Italy, 301 ; second journey to Iceland, 303-304 ; dislike of London, 311 ; resigns directorship of Devon Great Consols, 333 ; joins the Eastern Question Associa- tion, 357 ; issues a manifesto to the working men on the Eastern Question, 359 ; ex- aminer at South Kensing- ton, 365 ; his first public lecture, 370 ; his carpet de- signs, ii. 47 ; evidence be- fore Technical Instruction Commission, 51 ; visit to Paris with Armstrong, 101 ; first appearance at a Social- ist meeting, 102 ; his know- ledge of birds, 104 ; founds the Socialist League, 139 ; arrested at Thames Police Court, 155 ; ill with gout, 157 ; statement of Socialist policy, 161-163 ; deposed from editorship of the "Commonweal," 242 ; es- tablishes the Kelmscott Press, 260 ; declines to en- tertain the question of the Laureateship, 302 ; joins in the manifesto of English Socialists, 1893, 304.

Morris, William, Senr., i. 2, 12.

Morris, Mrs. W. , i. 158; por- trait of, by her husband, 140 ; letters to, 333, 338.

Morris, Sir Lewis, ii. 195.

"Morte d' Arthur" tapestries, ii. 223.

Most, Herr, ii. 26.

Mouse, the Iceland pony, i. 282-283.

Mowbray, C. W., ii. 250.

Munro, A., i. 126.

Murray, C. F., i. 126, 214, 308, 312, 328-329; ii. 271.

National Gallery, ii. 287.

Nationalization of land, ii. 88.

Naworth, visit to, i. 314; stained glass at, ii. 59.

Needlework, experiments in, i. 133.

Netmaking, i. 18.

"News from Nowhere," ii. 256.

Nichol, Professor, ii. 230.

Nicoll, D.G., ii. 250. Njal Saga, i. 345.

Njala country, i. 262.

North France, Morris's love for, i. 51 ; ii. 275, 315.

"Northern Love Stories, Three," i. 309.

Norway, voyage to, ii. 346.

Norwich, ii. 219; prosecution of Socialists at, 179.

Nottingham, i. 334-335.

Oddi, i. 261.

Odyssey, translation of, ii. 165, 173-175, 190-192.