Page:The Life of William Morris.djvu/787

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317 ; his criticism on "Si- gurd," 345 ; want of interest in politics, ii. 99-100; lavish generosity, 100.

Rottingdean, ii. 71.

Rouen, i. 50.

Routh, M.J., i. 31.

Rowley, C, ii. 121.

Ruskin, J., Morris's early ad- miration for, i. 40 ; "On the Nature of Gothic," ii. 289 ; mentioned, i. 226 ; ii. 210, 212, 289.

Russell Club, Oxford, ii. 126.

Saga Library, ii. 260.

St. Alban's, Holborn, i. 151.

St. James's Palace decoration, ii. 32.

St. Mark's, Venice, i. 381 ; ii. 6, 181.

Saunders, Mr., Police Magis- trate, ii. 155.

Scheu, A., ii. 102, 134.

Scotland, ii. 151.

Scott, Sir G., i. 350; ii. 234, 291.

Scott, W.B., i. 113, 127, 288 ; ii. 175.

Seddon's Hammersmith Church, ii. 103.

Shah Abbas, carpet of the time of, i. 363.

Shairp, Principal, i. 347.

Shaw, G. B., ii. 85, 304.

Shaw, R. Norman, i. 105, 145.

Shelley's "Skylark," i. 59 ; his incapacity for narrative poetry, 183.

Shelton, Emma, mother of Wm. Morris, i. 1 ; her death, ii. 315.

Shelton, Jos., Morris's mater- nal grandfather, i. 3.

"Sigurd the Volsung," i. 320, 340. Sigurdson, Jón, i. 260.

Singlestick, Morris's skill at, i. 67.

Sinodun Hill, i. 193.

Skaptar Jokul, i. 307.

Skeidara, i. 307.

Skjaldbreid, i. 272.

Sleath, W., ii. 50.

Smith, F. and R., i. 364 ; ii. 254.

Smith, John, ii. 50.

Snaefellsness, i. 260, 269.

Snorri the Priest, i. 278.

Socialism, innate in Morris, i. 348 ; beginning of interest in, ii. 24.

Socialist divisions, ii. 157-159.

Socialist League, ii. 137 ; end of the, 252.

Soissons Cathedral, ii. 278.

South Kensington Museum, i. 182, 385 ; Morris as Ex- aminer of Art at, ii. 52. Southwold, i. 206.

Sparling, H.H., ii. 187.

"Speculum Humanae Salva- tionis," Culembourg, 1483, ii. 267.

Stained-glass windows, ii. 40-41.

Stanhope, J. R. Spencer, i. 121, 128.

Stanley, Eliz., grandmother of W. Morris, i. 2.

Stanmore, ii. 258.

Stephen, Sir Jas., i. 355.

Stephens, F.G., i. 350.

Stepney, lecture at, ii. 153.

Stepniak, S., funeral of, ii. 335.

Stonehenge, ii. 3.

Stratford, Socialist meetings at, ii. 167.

Straumey in the Faroes, i. 253.