Page:The Life of the Spider.djvu/63

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The Black-Bellied Tarantula

The object of these hunting methods was not exactly to obtain Tarantulæ; I had not the least wish to rear the Spider in a bottle. I was interested in a different matter. Here, thought I, is an ardent huntress, living solely by her trade. She does not prepare preserved foodstuffs for her offspring;[1] she herself feeds on the prey which she catches. She is not a 'paralyzer'[2] who cleverly spares her quarry so as to leave it a glimmer of life and keep it fresh for weeks at a time; she is a killer, who makes a meal off her capture on the spot. With her, there is no methodical vivisection, which destroys movement without entirely destroying life, but absolute death, as sudden as possible, which protects the assailant from the counter-attacks of the assailed.

Her game, moreover, is essentially bulky and not always of the most peaceful character. This Diana, ambushed in her tower, needs a prey worthy of her prowess. The big Grasshopper, with the powerful jaws; the irascible Wasp; the Bee, the Bumble-bee and other wearers of poisoned daggers must fall

  1. Like the Dung-beetles.—Translator's Note.
  2. Like the Solitary Wasps.—Translator's Note.