Page:The Literary Souvenir for 1825.pdf/412

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The Criminal.

Yet like the Indian, though severer light
Hath broken in upon his radiant faith
And shown its falsehood, still his spirit clings
With lingering homage to his early worship.
So Ellen's breast yearned to the guilty one,
'Mid crimes, 'mid darkness; she could not forget
He was the chosen of her youth, that he
Had been her first, her only love.----

The morn had broken, and a dull red light
Streamed through the iron grating heavily:
The bell had ceased its summoning,—they leaned
In desperate hope to catch another toll
In vain—and loud and hurrying steps were heard—
The door was opened, and the chains were struck
From off his shackled hands. They led him forth.
He clasped his Ellen, and pressed one cold kiss
On lips as cold, and placed her as a child
Upon his father's bosom, and departed.
A shriek rang after him, and many there
To their last hour shall not forget that cry.
They led him on; his step was firm, although
His face was very pale; and when he reached
The scaffold, he knelt meekly down and prayed.
Silence was all around: his eyes were clothed:
This world one gasp concluded, and to him
Opened eternity.

L. E, L.