Page:The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets.djvu/100

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Known Authors. I

News from the New World diſcovered in the Moon, a Maſque, Fol. 1692. preſented alſo before King James the Firſt, 1620.

Oberon, the Fairy Prince, a Maſque of Prince Henry’s, Fol. 1692. The Author has divers Annotations on this Play.

Pan’s Anniverſary, or, The Shepherds Holyday, a Maſque, Fol. 1692. This was preſented at Court before King James the Firſt. Mr. Inigo Jones aſſiſted our Author in the Decorations.

Pleaſure reconciled to Vertue, a Maſque, Fol. 1692. This was alſo preſented at Court, before King James the Firſt, 1619. Hereto were ſome Additions for the Honour of Wales.

Poetaſter, or, His Arraignment, a Comedy, Fol. 1692. Acted by the Children of his Majeſty’s Chappel, 1601. This Play is adorned with ſeveral Tranſlations from the Ancients. See Ovid’s Elegies, Lib. 1. Eleg. 15. Horat. Sat. Lib. 2. Sat. 9. and Lib. 2. Sat. 1, &c.

Queen’s Maſque of Blackneſs, Fol. 1692. This was Perſonated at the Court at White-Hall, on the Twelfth-Night, 1605.

Queen— — —Her Maſque of Beauty, Fol. 1692. This alſo was preſented at the ſame Court, at White-Hall, on the Sunday-Night after the Twelfth-Night, 1608.

Sad Shepherd, or, A Tale of Robin Hood, a Paſtoral, Fol. 1692. This Play has but Two intire Acts, finiſh’d, and a Third left imperfect.

Sejanus’s Fall, a Tragedy, Fol. 1692, first Acted by the King’s Majeſties Servants, 1603. Plot from Tacitus, Suetonius, Seneca, &c. There is an Edition of this Play 4 to. 1605. by the Author’s own Orders, with all the Quotations from whence he borrowed any thing of his Play.

Silent Woman, a Comedy, fol. 1692. Acted Firſt by the Children of her Majeſty’s Revels, 1609. Act J. Scene I. borrowed from Ovid de Arte Amandi: Act. II. Scene II. Part from Juvenal, Sat. 6. Act II. Scene V. from Plaut. Auricular, Act 3. Scene 5, &c. This Play has been in good Eſteem, and for a farther Commendation you are refer’d to Mr. Dryden’s Examen.[1]

Speeches at Prince Henry’s Barriers, Fol. 1692. Theſe are indeed Printed among his Maſques, but cannot be accounted one; only reckoned ſo in former Catalogues.

Staple of News, a Comedy, Fol. 1692. Acted by his Majeſty’s Servants. In this Play Four Goſſips appear on the Stage, criticiſing on the ſame, during the whole Action.

Tale of a Tub, a Comedy, Fol. 1692.

Time vindicated to himſelf and his Honors, a Maſque, Fol. 1692. This was preſented at Court on Twelfth-Night, 1623.

  1. Dryden’s Dramatick Eſſay, page 50.
