Page:The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets.djvu/85

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Known Authors. G

Raging Turk; or, Bajazet the Second; a Tragedy, 8vo. 1656. which was likewise Acted by the Students of Christ-Church, Oxon. For the Plot consult the same Turkish Histories before mentioned.

Solimus Emperor of the Turks, a Tragedy, 4to. 1638. For the Plot consult also the Turkish Historians, as Paul. Jovius, Mezeray, &c. in the Reign of Solimus the First.

Three of these five Plays mentioned to be Acted at Oxon, are Printed together in one Volume 8vo.

This Author, like the last, a Divine, born 1602. at London, at Fourteen was entred at Christ-Church in Oxon, and chosen Student of that Royal Foundation, past through his several Degrees to Batchelor of Divinity, and dy'd 1646. He writ one Play by the Name of,

Lodovick Sforza, Duke of Millain, a Tragedy, 8vo. 1632. For the Story see Guiccardine, lib. 1, 2. &c. Mezeray and Philip de Comines in the Reign of Ch. VIII. This Author has writ several Poems, some of them Divine, which are Printed with this Play in 8vo. Also some Sermons Printed 4to. 1663.

A Gentleman now living, formerly a Domestick of the Right Honourable Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex; and since teaches School in the Country. He has given us One Play, called,

The Rival Sisters, or the Violence of Love, a Tragedy, Acted at the Theatre Royal, by his Majesty's Servants 4to. 1696. and Dedicated to the Right Honourable, James, Earl of Abingdon, &c. This Play was well received, tho' delay'd for sometime the Acting, as the Author complains in his Epistle. The Plot is almost entirely taken out of Shirly's Maids Revenge, tho' he has left out the Characters of Signior Sharkino, a sharking Doctor, and his Man Scarabeo; the Story is taken originally out of Reynolds's God's Revenge against Murder, Book 2. Hist. 7.

I can only say, this Author liv'd in Charles the First's time, and writ a Play, called,

Sophompaneos, or the History of Joseph, a Tragedy, 4to. 1640. with Annotations, this Divine Dramma was writ in Latin by Hugo
