Page:The Living Flora of West Virginia and The Fossil Flora of West Virginia.pdf/40

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Virginicum, Small, has been discovered in Greenbrier County, by Mr. J. K. Small.

The roses are striking in the many new forms they produce ; Rubus Millspaughi, Britt., is so profuse in the mountains of Pocahontas and Pendleton Counties that, according to the mountaineers and hunters, it is upon it that the bears depend principally for fattening food prior to hibernation. Rubus Canadensis roribaccus, Baily, the Leucretia dewberry, came originally from Randolph County. Another peculiar Rubus (R. Columbianus Millsp., has 5 to 7-incised leaves of striking character. A new Spirea (S. Virginiana, Britt.), grows plentifully within half a mile of the University at Morgantown. Mercer County in the southern section of the State, presents a wonderful array of Crategi : C. spathulata, C. cordata, C. apiifolia, C. coccinea, C. tomentosa, C. punctata. C. Crus-galli, C. flava and its variety pubcscens, and C. uniflora were all found during one day's botanizing in this section.

Of the Calycanths we have all, even the two species recorded "Virginia doubtful" in the Manual.

Of the saxifrages we have notably, Astilbe decandra, Don., Saxifraga erosa, Pursh., Boykinia aconitifolia, Nutt., Heuchera villosa, Mx., and H. Americana, L., and even the Laboradorian Ribes prostratum, L' Her.

Sedum Pulchellum, Nevii, ternatum, telephioides, and telephium, are with us. The beautiful Liquidambar Styraciflua extends limitedly down the Gauley and Great Kanawha. The Onagraceae yield a new form in Ludwegia alternifolia, L., var. linearifolia, Britt. The purple and yellow passion-flowers (P. lutea, L., and, incarnata, L.) grace the thickets.

Passing many minor forms, the Compositae gives us Elephantopus Carolinianus, Willd., and tomentosus. L. (called, as a weed, "The Devil's Grandmother") ; Eupatorium. coelestinum, L., profuse: Solidago Curtisii, S. rupestris, and Riddellii, Silphium perfoliatum, L. ; Rudbeckia speciosa, Wend.; Helianthus grosse-serratus, Mart., H. doronicoides, Lam., and H. laevigatus, T. and G. ; Verbesina Virginica, L. ; Cacalia suaveolens, reniformis, and atriplicifolia; Cnicus Virginianus, and pumilus, Torr. ; Cichorium Intybus, L. ; Tragopogon porrifolius, L. ; Hieracium Canadense,