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Royal Naval Reserve.

Probationary Sub-Lieutenant Arthur Cocks has been confirmed as Sub-Lieutenant. Dated 1st January, 1909.

In accordance with the Regulations for the Royal Naval Reserve—

Engineer John Sinclair has been placed on the Retired List. Dated 5th April, 1909.

Admiralty, 1'st December, 1909.

The following Sub - Lieutenants have been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in His Majesty's Fleet:—

Frederic Walter Bennett. Dated 30th October, 1907.

Oswald Stannus Gray. Dated 28th February, 1909.

Acting Sub-Lieutenant Edward Clement Cruttwell has been confirmed in the rank of SubLieutenant in His Majesty's Fleet. Dated 30th January, 1909.

Staff - Paymaster Walter Gask has been advanced to the rank of Fleet Paymaster in His Majesty's Fleet. Dated 6th November, 1909.

Royal Naval Reserve.

Sub-Lieutenant Alexander Scott Kilvert to be Lieutenant. Dated 30th November, 1909.

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.

The undermentioned gentleman has been appointed a sub-Lieutenant:— Wilfred Stanford - Samuel. Dated 30th

The undermentioned gentleman appointed a Surgeon:—

Albert, Davies Edwards. Dated 30th November, 1909.

Admiralty, 2nd December, 1909.

Chief Gunner Joseph Henry Jarvis has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in His Majesty's Fleet. Dated 20th November, 1909.

Clerk Francis Alston Fenn has been promoted to the rank of Assistant Paymaster in His Majesty's Fleet. Dated 18th November, 1909.

Royal Naval Reserve.

In accordance with the Regulations for the Royal Naval Reserve—

Lieutenant Herbert John Paterson has been placed on the Retired List, with permission to assume the rant: of Commander. Dated 1st December, 1909.

Sub-Lieutenant Charles Chesters Cartwright to be Lieutenant. Dated 1st November, 1909.

War Office, Whitehall, 3rd December, 1909.


Commands and staff.

Colonel Francis J. Davies, C.B., from a General Staff Officer, 1st grade, to be a temporary Brigadier-General to command a Brigade, vice Major-General The Honourable A. H. Henniker-Major, C.B., who has vacated on promotion. Dated 20th November, 1909.

Colonel Sir John Hanbury - Williams, K.C.V.O., C M.G., to be a temporary BrigadierGeneral in charge of Administration, vice Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) L. E. Kiggell, C.B., appointed Director of Staff Duties. Dated 1st December, 1909.

Colonel Hubert J. Du Cane, M.V.O., from the Half-pay List, to be an Assistant Quartermaster-General, vice Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) C. R. R. McGrigor, C.B., in charge of Administration, Western Command. Dated 29th November, 1909.

Major Charles J. Sackville-West, The King's Royal Rifle Corps, to be a General Staff Officer, 2nd grade, vice Major H. W. Studd, D.S.O., Coldstreani Guards, whose tenure of that appointment has expired. Dated 27th November, 1909.

Major Philip Maud, C.M.G., Royal Engineers, a General Staff Officer at Head-Quarters, is advanced from the 3rd to the 2nd grade, vice Major K. M. Davie, The Gloucestershire Regiment, whose tenure of that appointment has expired. Dated 1st December, 1909.

Captain Charles H. Harington, D.S.O., The King's (Liverpool Regiment), to be a General Staff Officer, 3rd grade, at Head-Quarters, vice Major P. Maud, C.M.G., Royal Engineers. Dated 1st December, 1909.

Captain Charles Hordern, Royal Engineers, to be Aide-de-Camp to Major-General G. Barker, C.B., Commanding the Eastern Coast Defences, vice Captain F. U. Rasch, 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers), resigned. Dated 22nd November, 1909.


6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, Supernumerary Captain George H. Earle is restored to the establishment, vice T. G. Gibson, resigned. Dated 29th November, 1909.

8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars, Lieutenant The Honourable Robert N. D. Ryder, an Adjutant of Yeomanry, to be Captain under the provisions of Article 26, Royal Warrant for Pay and Pro motion, 1907. Dated 19th October, 1909.

The undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieutenauts. Dated 29th September, 1909:—

William E. P. Cairnes, on augmentation.

John N. S. Blacklock, vice H. F. Partridge, promoted.

11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars, Major William J. Lockett, D.S.O., from 13th Hussars, to be Major, vice J. J. Richardson, who exchanges. Dated 4th December, 1909.

13th Hussars, Major James J. Richardson, from llth (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars, to be Major, vice W. J. Lockett, D.S.O., who exchanges. Dated 4th December, 1909.

15th (The King's) Hussars, Lieutenant Matthew A. Muir to be Adjutant, vice Captain S. H. Charrington. Dated 24th November, 1909.

16th (The Queen's) Lancers, Lieutenant Frederick Wombwell resigns his Commission. Dated 4th December, 1909.

18th (Victoria Mary, Princess of Wales's Own) Hussars, Captain Albert C. McLachlan is seconded for service as. an Adjutant of Yeomanry. Dated 7th November, 1909.