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12th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (The Rangers); Lionel Fairfax Studd to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 15th Novem ber, 1909.

16th (County of London} Battalion, The London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles); Captain and Honorary Major Robert H. J. Comerford resigns his commission, and is granted per mission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform. Dated 5th November, 1909.

The undermentioned supernumerary officers are restored to the establishment:—

Captain George H. Lambert. Dated 29th June, 1909.

Captain Lionel K. Jennens. Dated 30th June, 1909.

Captain Clifford H. Towse. Dated 31st July, 1909

Captain and Honorary Major (Honorary Lieutenant in the Army) Jacob W. Cohen. Dated 5th November, 1909.

Lieutenant Stanley Low to be Captain. Dated 25th October, 1909.

18th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) : Richard Denselow Law to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 8th November, 1909.

28th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Artists' Rifles); Captain and Honorary Major Stanley Chatfeild Clarke to be Major. Dated 1st April, 1908.

The undermentioned officers to be Captains. Dated 4th September, 1909:—

Lieutenant William G. West.
Lieutenant James D. Choisy.

The undermentioned officers to be Lieutenants. Dated 4th September, 1909:—

Second Lieutenant Arthur J. Neame.
Second Lieutenant Alan F. Royds.
Second Lieutenant Arthur E. F. Selfe.

Royal Army Medical Corps.

2nd Home Counties Field Ambulance; James Dundas, M.B., to be Lieutenant. Dated 20th October, 1909.

Lowland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance; Lieutenant Robert B. Carslaw, M.B., to be Captain. Dated 7th October, 1909.

2nd London (City of London) General Hospital; Major William H White, M.D., to be Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 9th November, 1909.

Captain Herbert P. Hawkins, M.D., to be Major. Dated 9th November, 1909.

For attachment to Units other than Medical Units.

Lieutenant Charles Henry Bullen, from the 3rd North Midland Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Lieutenant. Dated 1st October, 1909.

Captain (Honorary Lieutenant in the Army) Edmund William Herrington, from the 3rd London (City of London) Field Ambulance, Royal Array Medical Corps, to be Captain. Dated 18th October, 1909.

Unattached List for the Territorial Force.

George Henry Home to be Second Lieutenant, for service with the St. Albans School Contingent, Junior Division, Officers Training Corps. Dated 8th November, 1909.

John Osborn Whitfield to be Second Lieutenant, for service with the Shrewsbury School Contingent, Junior Division, Officers Training Corps. Dated 16th November, 1909.

Leslie Woodroffe to be Second Lieutenant, for service with the Shrewsbury School Contingent, Junior Division, Officers Training Corps. Dated 16th November, 1909.

John Ebenezer Drysdale to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 22nd November, 1909.

Officers Training Corps.

Christ's Hospital Contingent, Junior Division; Captain Thomas H. Boardman is granted the provisional rank of Major. Dated 5th November. 1909.

Second Lieutenant William Eyre to be Captain. Dated 5th November, 1909.

The undermentioned officers to be Lieutenants. Dated 5th November, 1909:—

Second Lieutenant Edward W. L. Foxell.
Second Lieutenant Alfred C. W. Edwards.

Dulwich College Contingent, Junior Division; the undermentioned officers to be Captains. Dated 15th November, 1909:—

Lieutenant Henry F. Hose.
Lieutenant Herbert E. Adams.
Lieutenant William D. Gibbon.

Dulwich College Contingent, Junior Division; Second Lieutenant (Provisional Captain) Herbert F. Lee to be Captain. Dated 11th November, 1909.

Second Lieutenant Arthur Addenbrooke to be Lieutenant. Dated 11th November, 1909.

Eton College Contingent, Junior Division; Captain Algernon C. Rayner-Wood is granted the provisional rank of Major. Dated 16th November, 1909,


Cadet Battalion.

1st Cadet Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); Captain Dudley G. Pearce resigns his commission. Dated 5th November, 1909.

Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Essex.

Sir Claude Champion de Crespigny, Bart., to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 29th November, 1909.