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thirty-first and thirty-second years of Her said late Majesty, chapter one hundred and fourteen, have prepared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council the following scheme for effecting a transfer of the ownership of the advowson or perpetual right of patronage of and presentation to the church and cure (hereinafter called 'the said benefice') of Llanstephan in the county of Carmarthen and in the diocese of Saint David's.

"Whereas the advowson or perpetual right of patronage of arid presentation to the said benefice of Llanstephan is vested for an estate in fee simple without incumbrances in Edward Harold Morris, of Number 2, Notts-square, Carmarthen, Solicitor.

"And whereas the said Edward Harold Morris is desirous that the whole advowson or perpetual right of patronage of and presentation to the said benefice of Llanstephan, now vested in him as aforesaid, should be transferred to and be vested in the Bishop for the time being of the said diocese of Saint David's.

"And whereas the Right Reverend John, now Bishop of Saint David's, is willing to accept such transfer, and in token of such his willingness and also in token that the same transfer has that consent of the Bishop of the diocese which by the Acts in the hereinbefore mentioned Act recited or by some or one of them is made necessary he, the said John, Bishop of Saint David's, has executed this scheme as hereinafter mentioned.

"And whereas the transfer of the patronage of the said benefice of Llanstephau, which is hereinbefore mentioned and hereinafter recommended and proposed, will render the same benefice more eligible for augmentation out of funds under our control, and this circumstance will in our opinion tend to make better provision for the cure of souls in the parish or district in or in respect of which the right of patronage or advowson so recommended and proposed to be transferred as aforesaid arises or exists, that is to say in the parish of Llanstephan.

"Now therefore with the consent of the said Edward Harold Morris (in testimony whereof he has signed and sealed this scheme) and with the consent of the said John, Bishop of Saint David's (in testimony whereof he has signed this scheme and sealed the same with his episcopal seal), we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, humbly recommend and propose that upon and from the day of the date of the publication in the London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this scheme and without any conveyance or assurance in the law other than such duly gazetted Order the whole advowson or perpetual right of patronage of and presentation to the said benefice of Llanstephan now vested in him, the said Edward Harold Morris, as aforesaid, shall be transferred to the said John, Bishop of Saint David's, and his successors in the same Bishoprick, and shall thereupon and thenceforth become and be absolutely vested in and shall and may from time to time be exercised by the said John, Bishop of Saint David's, and by his successors in the same Bishoprick for ever.

"And we further recommend and propose that nothing herein contained shall prevent us from recommending and proposing any further or other measures relating to the matters aforesaid or any of them in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts or of any of them or of any other Act of Parliament."

And whereas the said scheme has been approved by His Majesty in Council: now therefore, His Majesty, by arid with the advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, and to order and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts: and His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of Saint David's.

Almeric FitzRoy


At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 22nd day of November, 1909.

The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have in of Her lateof Majesty pursuance the Act of the fifth and sixth years Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and eight, and of the Act of the twenty-first and twentysecond years of Her said late Majesty, chapter fifty-seven, which Acts are known as "The Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts" duly prepared and laid before His Majesty in Council a scheme bearing date the fourth day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine, in the words following, that is to say:—

"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of the Act of the fifth and sixth years of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and eight, and of the Act of the twenty-first and twenty-second years of Her said late Majesty, chapter fifty-seven, which Acts are known as 'The Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts,' have prepared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council the following scheme relating to the rectory and parish of Hayes, in the county of Middlesex and in the diocese of London.

"Whereas the annual value of the benefice of Hayes, that is to say, of the rectory of the parish of Hayes aforesaid (hereinafter called the said benefice), has been improved by means of certain sales of portions of the glebe lands of the said benefice, which sales were effected under the authority of the said Acts by the late Rector or Incumbent of the said benefice.

"And whereas there remains owing upon the security of the indenture of mortgage described in the schedule hereto a debt apart from accrued or accruing interest of six thousand two hundred and twenty-four pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence being the portion unpaid of the principal sum of six thousand seven hundred pounds thereby secured part of the consideration for one of such sales of glebe lauds of the said benefice as aforesaid.

"And whereas the said mortgage debt and the securities therefor are now owing to and held by us and the hereditaments conveyed to us by the said indenture of mortgage are now subject to any right or equity of redemption subsisting in the same vested in us in trust for the benefit of the Rector or Incumbent for the time being of the said benefice but subject nevertheless to the provisions contained in the said Acts with respect to making a certain portion of the improved value arising to the said benefice from the said sales payable to us for the benefit of our common fund to be applied as in the said Acts mentioned.