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"Now therefore we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners, humbly recommend aNd propose that as from the day of the date of the publication in the London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this scheme the sum of stock lastly mentioned, that is to say, the sum of eight thousand three hundred and thirty-three pounds six shillings and eightpence India three pounds per centum stock, shall cease to be held by us for the benefit of the Rector or Incumbent of the said benefice and shall be held by us for the benefit of our common fund to be applied as in the said Acts mentioned.

" And we further recommend and propose that nothing herein contained shall prevent us from recommending and proposing any other measures relating to the matters aforesaid, or any of them, in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts or of either of them, or of any other Act of Parliament."

And whereas the notice of the foregoing scheme, which is required by the hereinbefore mentioned Acts has been given by the said Commissioners to the Patron of the said benefice of Middleton, and the said Patron has not made any objection to the said scheme.

And whereas the said scheme has been approved by His Majesty in Council: now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, and to order and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts; and His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of Manchester.

Almeric FitzRoy.

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 22nd day of November, 1909.

The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS by section twenty-six of the Pluralities Act, 1838, hamlets, after reciting that "Whereas in some instances tithings, chapelries, and other places or districts may be separated from the parishes or mother churches to which they belong with great advantage, and places altogether extra-parochial may in some instances with advantage be annexed to parishes or districts to which they are contiguous, or be constituted separate parishes for ecclesiastical purposes, it is, amongst other things, enacted That when with respect to his own diocese it shall appear to the Archbishop of the Province, or when the Bishop of any diocese shall represent to the said Archbishop that any such tithing, hamlet, chapelry, place or district within the diocese of such Archbishop, or the diocese of such Bishop, as the case may be, may be advantageously separated from any parish or mother church, and either be constituted a separate benefice by itself, or be united to any other parish to which it may be more conveniently annexed, or to any other adjoining tithing, hamlet, chapelry, place, or district, parochial, or extra-parochial, so as to form a separate parish or benefice, or that any extra-parochial place may with advantage be annexed to any parish to which it is contiguous, or be constituted a separate parish for ecclesiastical purposes; and the said Archbishop or Bishop shall draw up a scheme in writing (the scheme of such Bishop to be transmitted to the said Archbishop for his consideration) describing the mode in which it appears to him that the alteration may best be effected, and how the changes consequent on such alteration in respect to ecclesiastical jurisdiction, glebe lands, tithes, rent charges, and other ecclesiastical dues, rates, and payments, and in respect to patronage and rights to pews, may be made with justice to all parties interested ; and if the patron or patrons of the benefice or benefices to be affected by such alteration shall consent in writing under his or their hands to such scheme or to such modification thereof as the said Archbishop may approve, and the said Archbishop shall, on full consideration and inquiry, be satisfied with any such scheme, or modification thereof, and shall certify the same and such consent as aforesaid, by his report to His Majesty in Council, it shall be lawful for His Majesty in Council to make an Order for carrying such scheme, or modification thereof, as the case may be, into effect."

And whereas the Right Reverend Edward, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, hath, pursuant to the enactment aforesaid, made a representation in writing to the Right Honourable and Most Reverend Randall, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, as follows:—

"I, the Right Reverend Edward, Bishop of Lincoln do hereby represent to your Grace that there is in the county and diocese of Lincoln the vicarage and parish church of Grimsby Saint Mary aud Saint James.

"That the population of the parish of Grimsby Saint Mary and Saint James aforesaid, according to the census of one thousand nine hundred and one amounted to twenty-three thousand one hundred and forty-eight persons, but since the year one thousand nine hundred and one a portion of the said parish containing an estimated population of seven thousand and five hundred persons has been formed in a separate cure.

"That there is one church belonging to the said parish of Grimsby Saint Mary and Saint James affording accommodation for one thousand persons.

"That there is no other consecrated church or chapel of ease in the said parish, but there are three mission rooms within the said parish capable of affording accommodation for eight hundred people.

"That the net annual value of the said vicarage of Grimsby Saint Mary and Saint James is five hundred and seventy-three pounds two shillings and fourpence arising from corn rents, tithe, glebe, the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, and fees.

"That there is a good and sufficient house of residence for the Incumbent of the said benefice.

"That the said vicarage of Grimsby Saint Mary and Saint James is in my patronage in right of my Bishopric.

"That there is in the said county and diocese the vicarage and parish church of All Saints, Grimsby.

"That the population of the said parish of All Saints, Grimsby, according to the census of one thousand nine hundred and one amounted to ten thousand three hundred and sixty-eight persons, and has since largely increased and is now estimated to amount to fourteen thousand persons.