Page:The London Magazine, volume 8 (July–December 1823).djvu/544

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The King of Hayti.

and went over without delay to the advocate’s rooms. Meantime, the longer he stayed and made it evident that the negociation had met with obstacles, so much the larger were the drops of perspiration which stood upon Mr. Goodchild’s forehead as he paced up and down his room in torment.

At last Mr. Whelp came over; but with bad news: Mr. Tempest was resolute to part with the bust at no price.



Mr. Goodchild, on hearing this intelligence, hastened to his daughter, who was still under close confinement; and, taking her hand, said—“Thoughtless girl, come and behold!” Then, conducting her to his own room and pointing with his finger to Mr. Tempest’s book-case, he said—“See there: behold my poor deceased brother the stamp-distributor, to what a situation is he reduced—that, after death, he must play the part of a black fellow styling himself king of Hayti. And is it with such a man, one who aims such deadly stabs at the honour and peace of our family, that you would form a clandestine connexion? I blush for you, inconsiderate child. However sit down to my writing-desk; and this moment write what I shall dictate—verbatim et literatim; and in that case I shall again consider and treat you as my obedient daughter. Ida seated herself: her father laid a sheet of paper before her, put a pen into her hand, and dictated the following epistle, in which he flattered himself that he had succeeded to a marvel in counterfeiting the natural style of a young lady of seventeen.

Respectable and friendly Sir,—Since the unfortunate masquerade, I have not had one hour of peace. My excellent and most judicious father has shut me up in my own apartments; and, according to special information which I have had, it is within the limits of possibility that my confinement may last for a year and a day. Now, therefore, whereas credible intelligence has reached me, that you have by purchase from the china manufactory of the city possessed yourself of a bust claiming to be the representation of a black fellow who (most absurdly!) styles himself king of Hayti;—and whereas, from certain weighty reasons him thereunto moving, my father has a desire to sequestrate into his own hands any bust or busts purporting to represent the said black fellow,—and whereas further my father has caused it to be notified to me that immediately upon the receipt of the said bust, through any honourable application of mine to you, he will release me from arrest; therefore, and on the aforesaid considerations, I Ida Goodchild, spinster, do hereby make known my request to you that, as a testimony of those friendly dispositions which you have expressed or caused to be expressed to me, you would, on duly weighing the premises, make over to me the bust aforesaid in consideration of certain monies (as shall be hereafter settled) to be by me paid over unto you. Which request being granted and ratified, I shall, with all proper respect acknowledge myself your servant and well wisher Ida Goodchild,
manu propriâ.

The two last words the poor child knew not how to write; and therefore her father wrote them for her, and said—the meaning of these words is, that the letter was written with your own hand; upon which in law a great deal depends. He then folded up the letter, sealed it, caused Ida to direct it, and rang for a servant to carry it over to Mr. Tempest. “But not from me, do you hear, William? Don’t say, it comes from me: and, if Mr. Tempest should cross-examine you, be sure you say that I know nothing of it.”



“For the rest,” said Mr. Goodchild, “never conceit that I shall lend any the more countenance, for all this, to your connexion with the young visionary. As soon as the bust is once in my hands, from that moment he and I are strangers and shall know each other no more.”

Mr. Goodchild had not for a long time been in such spirits as he was after this most refined tour d’addresse in diplomacy (as he justly conceived it). “The style,” said he, “cannot betray the secret: no, I flatter myself that I have hit that to a hair; I defy any critic the keenest to distinguish