Page:The Lord's Prayer (Saphir).djvu/263

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sionary spirit, which is none other than the spirit of adoption, even of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the royal spirit of the renewed and sanctified children of the Most High. And as you pray for the mission of Christ among Jew and Gentile, and give to this work your affection and your contributions, the narrower circle of your immediate duty and work, and the inmost circle of your own spiritual life, will receive the invigorating and fertilising influence of that divine love which never scatters and spreads abroad without increasing the riches and intensifying the strength of the giver; for while we obey the command of Christ, and go forth into the world with the gospel, as far as we can by prayer and help, we realise the promise connected with this very last commission of the ascending Saviour, "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."