Page:The Lucknow album 1874 by Darogha Ubbas Alli.djvu/27

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( 18 )

A short distance further on, is the—


View No. 14.

This is a shrine sacred to the Mahomedans, it was built by King Ghazee-ood-deen Hyder : it stands on the summit of a mound, and is believed to contain a stone, bearing the footprint of the Prophet Mahomed. The stone is said to have been brought from Mecca by some distinguished pilgrim.

During the mutiny, the place afforded a strong position for the rebels, but was soon taken by the British. It is not a little singular that the building should be held in such reverence by the Mahomedans ; for a report is extant, to the effect that the sacred stone has been stolen ; the shrine therefore contains nothing to venerate.

A little further on, is—


View No. 15.

Or the mausoleum of King Ghazee-ood-deen Hyder, built by himself, for the interment. of his own remains. It is surrounded by a high wall, and, like the Kuddum Rasool, afforded the mutineers an excellent position for defence. It was here that poor Sir William Peel, Commander of the Naval Brigade, earned an imperishable renown. This brave sailor, covered by the fire of two heavy guns, and supported by a small body of Infantry, literally scaled the high wall and jumped down into the midst of the enemy in the enclosure ; his men followed his example, and in spite of the immense superiority of the force they fell amongst, succeeded in dealing terrific slaughter, the ship's cutlass being the only weapon used. The place was soon after occupied by the British troops under command of Brigadier General Sir Adrian Hope.